Access on foot

Map updated on March 21, 2024.
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Here you will find information on the access routes, on foot, from two train stations to Vézelay:

  1. Sermizelles-Vézelay station (9,5 km)
  2. Avallon station (20 km)

On the map opposite, the access routes are indicated by green lines, the stations by green markers. You will find more information if you click on a line or a marker. (You will find more information on the map here, top right).

Information on the go:

  • files to install on your smartphone:
    > itineraries (all routes):
    - KML-file (, Google Earth) (December 15, 2023)  
    - GPX-file (other apps) (December 15, 2023)   
    > directions (PDF):
    see below (one file per route).
    The information about accommodation, shops, etc. is not included, but can be downloaded from: facilities (PDF and KML/GPX).

Tip: this is a manual (PDF) to install KML/GPX-files on your smartphone.

Railway stations (SNCF)
The Sermizelles-Vézelay and Avallon stations are on the same line, from the Paris Bercy station. See our travelling information.

1. Sermizelles - Vézelay (9,5 km) 

The access route via Givry (9,5 km) largely follows a quiet asphalt road through the valley of the Cure. A very nice walk.

> directions (PDF)

Asquins - Vallée de la Cure
Looking back from Vézelay: Asquins and the Cure valley

2. Avallon - Vézelay (20 km) 

Avallon is an old fortified town, beautifully situated on the edge of the Cousin valley. 
From the town you descend to the river, which you follow for about 6 km, to Pontaubert. Then you cross, via hills, forests and farmlands, to the valley of the Cure. When descending you have beautiful views of Vézelay. Then you ascend again, up the 'eternal hill'. 

> directions (PDF, see 2nd page).